How to Get 500 Free Backlinks a Year

Backlinking sucks, OK? Nobody likes building backlinks. It just sucks the energy out of any writer.

Everyone who is anyone tells you that you need to build thousands of backlinks. Did you ever wonder why they tell you this? They have affiliate links on their websites that give them a percentage of your monthly subscription when you sign up for any link-building “service”.

I don’t build links any more. I build high quality websites that are aimed at people. People like what I write and they pass on the URL of my site to a friend or they link to it from their own site.

I do no keyword research at all. I do not aim my articles at Google™, but at people. This is what Google™ says it wants site owners to do. Well I am doing it and it works. You can do it, too.

I have a women’s magazine site that gains 10 links a week and not a single one is anything to do with me. Check it out… Check it out again next week and you will see more links to it than there are now. (Download the free SEO Book Toolbar to see how many Yahoo™ links any site has –

By this time next year I expect to have at least 500 backlinks to that site.

How Can You Do The Same?

  • Forget all the link building and focus on high quality that people will actually want to read and link to
  • Write about something you know about and enjoy writing
  • Get a proper .com domain name that includes your subject and proper hosting
  • Get posts from other writers at Their articles are top quality, not like the PostRunner drivel
  • Your writers will build links to their articles without you asking them to
  • Add new content every day
  • Interlink all your articles using one of the free automatic WordPress plugins
  • Use a free WordPress Related Posts plugin. This lists a few other articles at the end of each one that a reader might also be interested in
  • Use a personalised theme. I paid €100 to have a theme personalised by a developer named Zack Proser. He is a great guy and totally helpful. My page views and links in have exploded since changing from a free theme


There are no affiliate links in this article. I have nothing to gain by telling you this, except the philanthropic buzz that comes from being a teacher.

Written by Phil Turner, an ex-teacher from Ireland. Phil believes that to succeed in anything you have to help others and share your own knowledge. He makes a living mostly by writing on his own sites, which include and

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Moulton Mayers January 24, 2012 at 03:48

I read your article on “Writing Paying Article.” You mentioned InfoBarrel as an article directory. I went there and tried to join. They had some funny letters I had to enter in order to send through my membership information. I was there over twenty-five minutes and could not figure that out. I wonder: Is InfoBarrel some secret society with a devil-worshipping code. I am so upset with that da gone foolishness!



admin January 25, 2012 at 14:39

Hi Moulton
Thanks for getting in touch about this. I tried the InfoBarrel contact form and gave up after 11 tries at the Captcha. Consequently I started a new forum thread about the Captcha issue, explaining your (& my) problems
Admin have changed the Captcha design to a simple sum question, which is doable even if you have less than an Apple 32 inch screen and 20/20 vision in perfect lighting
I hope you will try to sign up again



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