Maybe you write for Squidoo, Hub Pages or eHow already and see no need to write anywhere else…Think again.

You write to earn an income that keeps on coming, you write because you want a residual income from each article. What will happen to your income if your favourite site changes ownership? Maybe the new owners will bring in a new ‘secret formula’ approach to calculating your income that means you earn less.

Nobody should have all their eggs in one basket. Write for at least two Adsense revenue share sites if you want a secure income.

As you earn more from your writing, this becomes more important, because if you are to give up the day job you MUST have a secure income that will pay the bills.

Task for Today: Find a second string site to write for.

One Response to “Task for Today: Find a Second String Article Site to Write For…Just in Case”

  • JadeDragon:

    Diversity is good for the reasons you mention and because you can create backlinks between your articles on different sites, strenghening your earning power.
    JadeDragon recently posted..Google Adsense Filtering ToolsMy ComLuv Profile


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