What Do You Write About Today?

Are you sitting there and struggling to come up with a subject to write about? You want something different and with a unique perspective so think about the problems you meet every day.

Write to help people solve those problems.Rodin's sculpture

Today’s Problem

If you have a problem then rest assured that others will have the same problem

My problem today is that I am struggling to come up with ideas to write about. This is a very common problem, so other people may benefit from reading my possible solutions.

My Possible Solutions

Do something else – There are always household and gardening jobs to be done. Come back later

Have a cup of tea – My answer to most things; it gives me time to think while I am making it

Get someone else to do the writing – Oh Yeah, right. I tried that and the daughter is not interested

Start a new website or project – Sometimes a starting new track is the best solution. It means you can always write where you want to write

Getting Someone Else to Do the Writing

Getting someone else usually involves payments that I can ill-afford, but there is a way around it – Use a guest poster.

Guest posting is where a guest writer gives you an article for your website in exchange for a link in the author bio.

My 21CWoman.com site is built using guest posting extensively. I add between 2 and 4 top quality posts every day.

The secret to making guest posting work is to be very selective. Most of my contributing writers are pros from MyBlogGuest.com. I am a moderator at the site and read 200 articles there every day. All the articles in the gallery are good, but I offer to post only 1 in 10 of the articles that are in my women’s interests field.

I insist on the English being as good as my own, I won’t say perfect, but excellent. I never touch articles that are obviously outsourced to non-native English speakers.

Starting a Second Website/Project

And, I now have my tomorrow’s post title as well . . .

Written by Phil Turner, an ex-teacher from Ireland. Phil believes that to succeed in anything you have to help others and share your own knowledge. He makes a living mostly by writing on his own sites, which include KeywordsDelivered.com and 21CWoman.com.

  • Online Writing as a Job Option (howtomakeextramoneywriting.com)
  • Six Steps To Write A Blog Post Quickly (bloggingtips.com)

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