Write for cash by writing articles online. It costs nothing and is open to anyone with a keyboard and n Internet connection. Earn $15 per article, or choose an ongoing payment system.
How To Write For $15 Cash per Article
Demand Studios (demandstudios.com) will pay you $15 an article, BUT there are problems.
Demand Studios Pros
- You are paid twice a week, direct to your PayPal account
- Articles written for eHow, through Demand Studios pay $15 each
- There are plenty of titles to choose from
Demand Studios Cons
- DS only accept writers from a few countries, UK, USA and Canada are included
- DS are extremely fussy about spelling, punctuation and the style you write in
- You must be prepared to write in US spellings and AP style
- Because of the style demands it can take a long time to write an article
- Demand Studios does not have a good reputation for the way they treat their writers
- The article titles are extremely weird, eg Best Burgers in Nowhere City Nevada
Demand Studios are part of the same company that owns the website eHow.com. Find out what people say about eHow by searching for “eHow article sweeps”. I doubt if you would choose to work for DS.
Constant Content (https://www.constant-content.com) will pay you at least as much as Demand Studios and are a lot more pleasant to deal with. You can earn $25-$60 for a 600 word article. The English must still be excellent, but you get fewer rewrite requests and fussy editors who contradict each other.
Constant Content payments are made weekly (at time of writing) and titles are a lot easier to write to than DS titles.
Disadvantages of Writing For Cash
Writing for a one-off payment means that you will need to keep writing, every day of your life, for the next 40 or fifty years. There is an alternative.
Writing for Demand Studios or Constant Content gives you an instant payment on delivery and acceptance of your article. DS can afford to pay you $15 because they expect to make $25 a year from it. Wouldn’t it be better to earn that $25 yourself?
You can.
Instead of writing for one-off payment sites, write for sites that pay you every time someone clicks on an ad on your article. You get paid for years and years. Even if you stop writing your articles will continue to earn you money every month. Info Barrel is the best of these “Revenue Share Article Sites”
Write For Cash – InfoBarrel
Info Barrel pays you by allowing 75% - 90% of the ad clicks to go to your own Adsense account. It is very easy to set up your own Adsense account (Go to blogger.com, set up a free blog, make 4 posts to it, go to Google, find the Advertizing Programs link, Click on Publishers, Sign up and put your free blogger.com blog address where they ask you for a website address)
The best thing about Info Barrel is the forum, which is like no forum you have ever visited before. The people are helpful and pleasant, welcoming to new users!
Write For Cash – Have the Best of Both Worlds
Info Barrel is a better long-term option in your plans to write for cash than one-off payment sites. Sign up for Constant Content in order to get money to pay your bills, but write for Info Barrel for a long-term income that is more secure.
Have the Best of ALL Worlds
Write for yourself, on your own blog. It’s there for ever, you can write what you want when you want and you can sell your blog for hundreds of dollars further down the line.
Written by Phil Turner, an ex-teacher from Ireland. Phil believes that to succeed in anything you have to help others and share your own knowledge. He makes a living mostly by writing on his own sites, which include HowToMakeExtraMoneyWriting.com and 21CWoman.com.
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Writing for cash has become great source of generating passive income online but sometimes you can get really piss off because of the job owners choice. So the best thing to do is to set up a blog and write for yourself while you look for traffic and end it with monitization which can fetch you a steady income.
There are some times when a writer needs CASH, though. Blogs take time to make any money.