Up to now there has been no one place where writers who are looking for partners can find them. I have set up a forum to help us all to talk together, like a writers’ coffee shop.

Some writers need to outsource articles, other writers need to write for cash to pay the bills. Both groups are served by this new forum. There are sections where you can advertise your services or your needs.

Sometimes a writer will be looking for writing partners, to keep a large site going with lots of fresh content. Other writers may be interested in working in a collaborative venture without taking on the hastle of actually running a site. Both groups can find the partners they need on this forum.

If yoy are setting up maxi-sites or niche sites you probably need a WordPress theme or other site design help. If you are a WordPress expert or a graphic designer you need people to buy your designs. These two groups can get together at the new Writers’ Forum, too.

You need to register before you can see the forum’s content.

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